Árd Ríocht na hÉireann

Ceisteanna a cuirteat go minic

Baile | An Eaglais | Ealaíona | Nuacht | Úr | Temair | Stair | Ceol | Cluichi | Teanga Náisiúnta | Ceisteanna a cuirteat go minic | Traidisiúná Corónú | Ce'n Fáth ? | Déan Ceangal Linn | Ár Albam Grianghraf | Fíorú | Ionadaí Gairtheí | Siombailí

When the Irish High Kingship is restored who will be the first Ard Ri; An O'Connor, an O'Brien, an O'Neill, or somebody else?

The following steps are envisaged:-

1. The election of sufficent Pobal na h-Éireann candidates to form a Pobal na h-Éireann government.

2. A two-third's majority in a National Referendum to restore the Irish High Kingship.

3. Election by the Irish electorate of candidates to a Panel of Royal Candidates.

4. Election of the Ard Ri (Irish High King) by the Irish electorate, from the Panel of Royal Candidates.

It is expected that candidates with the surnames O'Connor, O'Brien and O'Neill would stand, but nobody has been pre-selected.

What personal qualities would be desired in the Ard Rí?

Good moral character - Good spiritual, mental, and physical health - Excellent knowledge and fluency in Ireland's national language - deep knowledge of Irish history - Strong love for Ireland and her people - Moral and physical courage - Inspirational qualities of leadership - These are some of the desired qualities that would be sought.

How would you define nationalism?
A spirit of oneness among those people who have the same heritage of speech, custom, and tradition.
Nationalism understood as patriotism, which is a well-ordered love of one's country, is laudable.
Nationalism, however, which is an unreasonable love of one's country is condemned.
Nationalism in the latter sense makes a God of the State, and offers to the citizens state-worship as a religion.
It has denied (in Nazi Germany) the essential unity of the human race and has placed considerations of state welfare above all moral values, thus leading to great crimes against humanity, e.g. mass murders, etc.
With a decline of real religion there is always danger of excessive nationalism or state worship.

Watch this space.

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Looking forward to the restoration of the Irish kingship.

The Irish nation is calling you!

Join us in a most exciting adventure of Irish national importance.

Who will be the next Ard Rí of Ireland? Who will receive our allegiance, loyalty, and fidelity?

Who will be the father and protector of the Irish Race?


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Watch this space.

Watch this space.