Árd Ríocht na hÉireann


Baile | An Eaglais | Ealaíona | Nuacht | Úr | Temair | Stair | Ceol | Cluichi | Teanga Náisiúnta | Ceisteanna a cuirteat go minic | Traidisiúná Corónú | Ce'n Fáth ? | Déan Ceangal Linn | Ár Albam Grianghraf | Fíorú | Ionadaí Gairtheí | Siombailí

What are the symbols of the Irish High Kingship?

It is believed that the Crown and the Wand were brought to Rome by a son of Ard Rí Brian Boru. Did the English king Henry II gain possession of them?

Where are they now? Who has them?


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