Árd Ríocht na hÉireann

Baile | An Eaglais | Ealaíona | Nuacht | Úr | Temair | Stair | Ceol | Cluichi | Teanga Náisiúnta | Ceisteanna a cuirteat go minic | Traidisiúná Corónú | Ce'n Fáth ? | Déan Ceangal Linn | Ár Albam Grianghraf | Fíorú | Ionadaí Gairtheí | Siombailí

Ceol na h-Éireann

Let me write the songs of a nation and I care not who makes her laws. - Thomas Moore 

Raymond's County Down Music

Music is mentioned in the literature of early and medieval Ireland as a vital part of Irish pre-Christian and early Christian culture.
Gerald of Wales in the 12th century and Spencer in the 16th, give witness to the importance of music in Gaelic tribal culture, which could be used as a rallying intrument of Irish national resistance to the invaders.